Monday, January 19, 2009


I have made the same resolution to lose weight that I've made for the last six years. I'm failing miserably. I need someone to keep me accountable.

Unfortunately, I live with Metabolism Man. He can eat an entire cow in a single sitting and not gain an ounce. He doesn't like sweets and he's on his feet all day. I ask him, repeatedly, to help me eat better, remind me to work out, those types of things. Problem is: Metabolism Man is a pushover for a good pout.

"But honey...I need ice cream. Just tonight." And then he flies to the store and brings home a bucket. And I eat it all. AAACK!!

The point is, I'm not going to lose an ounce if I depend on Metabolism Man to be my accountability partner. I need someone tough. Someone who will close the fridge and tell me no. Someone who cares about my long-term health, not my short-term emotions.

The same is true of any accountability relationship. Don't let your partner get away with sin because it was "a bad day." Our goal is to help each other strive toward holiness. So, put away the puppy-dog pout. Listen, learn and grow. Your thighs and your soul will thank you.

Blessings, B.D.F.


  1. So, in the past.. its been really hard for me to stay really satisfied.. cause i felt like i always needed a boyfriend.. and i was always lonely when i didn't have one. Wow! I can't believe my past now that i've found exactly who i am, and who God is. ;) ...i'm never lonely anymore, thanks to the grotto. So, i'm staying completely pure this year! especially emotionally, cause for me that was really the only part i had to worry about. And i'm not even scared, a little bit... weeeee :)

  2. Great, great, GREAT!! Resolution to have!! As one who walked this road a few years ago, it is the best gift you can give to yourself, God, and a future spouse. If you need help, I am here to cheer you on and pray for you. May this become a life-long habit that will bless you richly!


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