Friday, January 16, 2009

The Leak

So, the water department showed up at my house at 7:30 this morning. You would think that dew-drop tanks are easy to maintain but...

Anyway, the truth of the matter is that my basement was harboring a little secret. A leaking pipe. (Only one of many issues in our little house.) Don't ask me when the leak began. A while ago - weeks. But from my location up above I could pretend it didn't exist. Then, late at night, like the beating of Poe's "Tell Tale Heart" I could hear it dripping far below...driving me to the brink of insanity.

I begged the maintenance crew to alleviate the issue. They would have. In time. But since it wasn't running through the meter, they chose to let it go. It wasn't causing any damage, it was because of a problem from the water company so we weren't doing anything wrong, right? Ah...wrong.

So, there I was, still in my P.J.'s - trying to get everyone off to school and suddenly I was surrounded by water guys and plumbers and they were air hammering my basement floor to try and find a little piece of pipe in good enough shape to attach new pipe to. Oh, and we're going to have to dig up the yard this summer to replace the water line and the sewer pipe. I sooo can't wait.

The point being, my secret was uncovered. That's kind of their purpose, right? We hold them in until they finally come to light. And they will always come to light. When it is most inconvenient. Here's where your accountability partner comes in. She stays on your back until you get rid of the problem. He reminds you that it's easier to face the music now.

Listen to them. Listen to God. Give up your secret sins and find peace in Him.

The B.D.F.

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