Friday, January 23, 2009

Wallpapering the Mind

During my Bible study this week I came across a great illustration. The teacher likened memorizing scripture to changing the wallpaper in your mind. Living in a hollow log that reads like a show home for the 1980 wallpaper catalog, I relate.

First we need to strip off the old stuff. That means getting out the steamer and the fabric softener and getting the old stuff off. The old stuff in our mind is the lies that Satan tells us about us. Lies are his native tongue. "You're too fat/skinny/old/young/smart/stupid/silly/serious." Those ones.

Then we need to wallpaper our minds with the truth. We do that by memorizing scriptures that overturn the lies we've been believing. (Like Psalm 45:11 "The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord. ")

Nature abhors a vacuum. Any physics students out there know what I mean? It means that you can't just get rid of something, physics requires that something else take it's place. If you try to empty your mind of lies but don't replace them with the truth, then the lies will just flood back in. You need to fill up the space between your ears with truth.

What lies are you stripping away? What truth are you replacing them with?? Let us know.
Until next time,
The B.D.F.

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