Monday, February 9, 2009

Balance: Zero - tithing

I got a call from the hubby one day. "Could you run to the bank and put $20 in the checking account?" Normally I would be delighted to...the problem? I didn't have $20 and we were going to be over drawn if we didn't find some way to fill that hole. I want to say that I got all spiritual and fell to my knees and asked God to provide that $20. I didn't. I probably wandered around the house wondering what I could sell or if I could find a job to do that would pay me cash.

Two things happened that day. First, a friend needed me to watch her little one. A job I would happily do for nothing. When she returned she gave me $10. I normally would have argued and refused, but I needed it and I wasn't going to be the man on the roof in the flood who turned down a ride from the guy in the boat because he was convinced God was going to save him.

Then, I checked the mail. And some random angel had send us a $100 bill. I still don't know who it was, but I tell the story in as many circles as I can so that maybe the story will get back and they will see that what they sent as a prompting from the Lord helped me avoid overdraft charges. Thank you!!

So, Fairy Followers, what have you given up that God has given back to you? Have you ever had an empty well that he has filled? How? Why? What? Share your story here!

The B.D.F.

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