Monday, December 28, 2009

Spiritual Resolutions

Greetings Fairy Followers,

We are approaching the beginning of a new year. The time when we wipe the slate clean and start planning our successes for the next year. Many of us make resolutions that include losing weight, being a better friend, pursuing a dream.

I admit that I have something on my list from each of those categories. I also have one on my list in the spiritual category. There are always things we can learn about God and His word. Where is your area of weakness that you want to grow? Do you need to harness your anger? Forgive someone who's harmed you? Memorize a greater portion of scripture?

Once you've picked your goal, here are some tips to reach it:
Put it everywhere: Write your goal on a stack of sticky notes and post them places you will see it regularly. In your calendar, locker, bathroom mirror, nightstand.

Break it into measurable steps: If your goal is to memorize scripture then make a list of the verses you want to learn and set goals for each month.

Keep a record: If your goal is to harness your anger, then write down the instances you've been angry and how you responded. Make a plan for how to respond better the next time and some scripture to help you respond rightly.

Find some resources: Have the library find some books on the topic you are studying. Check out for verses that relate to your issue and articles about it. Remember that people are resources too and you can talk to your parents, friends and leaders about keeping you accountable to improve.

Here's to a great 2010. Praying for all of you who are headed to Districts.

Blessings, The B.D.F.

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