Monday, June 29, 2009

All yards must be this high...

Greetings, Fairy Followers,

I've noticed an interesting phenomenon in my neighborhood. If I get out my mower and get started cutting the lawn within fifteen minutes three more of my neighbors are out cutting theirs. A friend of mine told me that she actually had a neighbor come over and tell her to be sure to let them know when they mowed so that their lawns could match. Really?

On the one hand, it's nice to have a bit of conformity to the neighborhood. I've never been much of a conformist so I guess I'm okay with everyone following me.

Have you ever given into the conformist mentality? Wearing a style similar to someone else's? Growing your bangs out to match the current trend?

Despite all of our determination to be different, unique, unusual, we usually wind up being "different just like everybody else." And there isn't anything wrong with that, most of the time. Having the right amount of flare (or lack thereof) in your jeans, sporting henley's all winter, or the right color flip-flops.

The problem comes when we feel pressured to do things that are dangerous to our spiritual or physical lives. We let ourselves be subjected to things that are not just a way to fit in, but that defile the Holy ground of our heart. Check out this video set to a song by Ceili Rain called "Junkyard."

My heart is not a Junkyard.
My mind is not a dump for all the gunk, it's holy ground.

Keep your temple clean.

Blessings, The B.D.F.

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