Monday, March 29, 2010

Nacho Libre and Other Famous Wrestlers

Greetings Fairy Followers,

I'm constantly amazed at the restoring desires of our God. Sometimes we think we're beyond restoring, that we've done too many crummy things. I learned a new restoration story this week and I'm going to share it with you. Hold onto your stretchy pants.

The history of the nation of Israel is filled with those in need of restoration. Liars, cheats and philanderers abound. In Genesis 27 Rebecca convinces her son, Jacob, to trick dad - who is blind with age - into giving him the blessing that belonged to his slightly older twin brother Esau.

Here's how the interaction played out:
Jacob carried the platter of food to his father and said, "My father?"

"Yes, my son," he answered. "Who is it -- Esau or Jacob?"

Jacob replied, "It's Esau, your older son. I've done as you told me. Here is the wild game, cooked the way you like it. Sit up and eat it so you can give me your blessing."

Isaac falls for it, blesses the wrong kid and Jacob then had to flee before the burly anger of his brother.

Now here comes the good part...Jacob gets tricked, does some tricking himself, and then the day comes when he must face his brother again. He sends gifts ahead to try and soften up Esau. Then the night before the coming encounter Jacob wrestles with an angel.

You heard me.

Genesis 32:22ff:
When the man (the angel) saw that he couldn't win the match, he struck Jacob's hip and knocked it out of joint at the socket. Then the man said, "Let me go, for it is dawn."

But Jacob panted, "I will not let you go unless you bless me."

"What is your name?" the man asked.

He replied, "Jacob."
Israel means "God struggles" or "one who struggles with God."">

"Your name will no longer be Jacob," the man told him. "It is now Israel, because you have struggled with both God and men and have won."

So, two points of restoration here:
#1. "I will not let you go until you bless me." Now, Jacob is already blessed because he tricked dad into giving it to him. But how blessed do you feel when you trick someone into doing it? Jacob wanted a blessing that he had earned.

#2. Did you notice that the angel asked Jacob his name, just as dad had asked him his name. This time Jacob tells the truth...and out of it he gets a new name and a new destiny.

You are never beyond God's scope of restoration and 'tis the season as we approach Easter, the ultimate restoration of the human race.

Blessings, the B.D.F.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lines, Triangles and Circles

Greetings Fairy Followers,

I had an interesting day in church today. We were talking about the passage in I Timothy 6 where Paul tells Timothy to flee from certain things and run toward "righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness."

The question I had was, is it an either or? If you are running away from evil, are you necessarily running toward righteousness? Is there another option? Instead of moving back and forth along a continuum, can you run away from both? Form the point of the triangle so to speak...equidistant from evil and righteousness.

Love to hear your thoughts.

Also looking forward to hearing from those of you who went to Dare 2 Share. What did you learn? Surprises? Expectations?

For those of you who missed it, here is your first look:

Can't wait to get the updates. Enjoy spring, Fairy Followers. It is nigh upon us!

Blessings, The B.D.F.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Separation of Church and State

Greetings Fairy Followers,

How often have we heard these words? The all important "separation" of church and state. That anything hinting of a relationship with God should be kept far from any person or place involved in the governing process.

Insert shudder here.

I was reading this week in Zechariah. One of those prophetic books filled with visions of flying scrolls and women with wings. Verse 6:13 says, "And he will be a priest on his throne. And there will be harmony between the two."

Did you catch it? A throne - which, back in the day, was the seat of government. The king. The man with the plan. And the one sitting on the throne was a priest. Apparently the Israelites had a hard time with the whole kingly priest thing as much as we do today because they believed, at one point in time, that there must be two Messiahs coming - one from the kingly line of David and one from the Levitical line of the priests.

Zechariah makes it clear here that this person was one in the same. King and priest. And, more importantly, that there would be "harmony between the two."

Picture the day when a man who loves God and his country could rule without all this tension about weather it's okay to pray before a meal in school or wear a tee shirt with a Christian message, or give thanks for a good grade.

Your principals and teachers might be struggling to keep God as far away from your school as they can, but you know the truth. That one day the priest and the king will be one and the same.

Blessings, The B.D.F.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Are you "Them?"

Greetings Fairy Followers,

Last week the BDF was doing some research on "church words." You know, those words that people who've been around the church for awhile throw around like "covenant," "consecrate," or "communion."

I came across a particular church, poking a little fun at itself, that included this definition:

Some People – as in “some people have been saying…” or "some people think..." ~ This is a phrase that is sometimes used to share one's opinion while simultaneously trying to avoid claiming the opinion and give it more weight by implying that you've taken a survey and lots of people agree. We try not to use this phrase at First Christian Church, preferring instead to take responsibility for our own opinions and not to speak for one another.

Have you ever used that phrase? Perhaps it sounds more like "You know, they say that..." (fill in the blank with your favorite controversial opinion.) Yesterday in church, my pastor talked about the most powerful group of people in the church..."them."

Jesus, of course, said it best when, referring to our propensity to promise, vow or, even, push our opinions off on "them" he said, "
Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No';"
We are to be owners of our words. To take responsibility and, when necessary, make amends for speaking what is in our own heads and what comes off of our own tongues. Which is why James gives us a full dissertation of things that should and should not come off of our tongues.

So, today, fairy followers, banish "them" from your life and your speech. Own your words and if you're apprehensive to take possession of your words, keep them reigned until you are.

Blessings, The B.D.F.
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